Coconut marshmallow
Serves 8 – 30 min preparation – 10 min cooking – 1 day cooling
- Mix 20g of potato starch, 20g of icing sugar and 20g of coconut milk powder.
- Sprinkle a frame or a dish of this mixture.
- In a bowl, mix 3.2cl of water with 5g of egg white powder.
- Mix 2cl of water with 19g of pork gelatin powder and let stand to rehydrate gelatin.
- Separately in a saucepan mix 300g of caster sugar and 5cl of water.
- Cook the sugar to 121°C.
- Whisk the egg whites.
- Pouring on the boiled sweet white mesh and keep third of cooked sugar to incorporate gelatin.
- Add gelatin to the remaining sugar, stir, then pour over the white.
- Stir 20g of coconut milk powder, whisk until cool preparation (around 30°C).
- Pour the marshmallow into the frame or flat and sprinkle with cornstarch mixture, sugar, coconut milk powder.
- Allow the marshmallow taken during one day.
- Cut into cubes.